Architectural Guidelines


The Architectural Review Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month.

All requests received by the committee prior to that day will be reviewed at the meeting. The ARC strongly recommends residents submit their requests as soon as possible. Residents who wait until the last day accept the risk that their request may not be received by the ARC in time to be reviewed by the committee and will have to wait for the next monthly meeting to have their request reviewed.

Residents will be notified by CMA within days of the meeting whether their Request was approved or not.   Requests must include a completed request form and the resident’s official Property Survey (Plot Plan) and should indicate on this document the areas where they intend to perform the work.

Revised Trustees Approval Form
Architectural Review Process
Specific Architectural Guidelines
Architectural  Review Committee Requirements
Guidelines for Solar Panels for the City of O’Fallon

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