January 2012

Winghaven Residential Owners Association Board of Directors Meeting, Jan. 2012

The Winghaven Residential Owners Association (WROA) Board of Directors meeting was held on Monday, January 16, 2012 at theMcEagleBuilding.  In attendance were President Tom Shepherd, Directors Gene Stecher, Ray Larson, Mike Wilcher, Carol Cross, Yvonne Wilson, and Marcus Rosenberg along with Barbara Murray and Ingrid Schaeffer of CMA.  Also in attendance were fifteen Voting Members.

The Executive Session portion of the meeting was called to order by President Shepherd at 6:00 PM.

Executive Session

Prior to the arrival of the Voting Members the Board met in Executive Session to review all the current violations.  Each violation was reviewed in detail and appropriate action taken on each item.  Executive Session was adjourned at 6:17 PM.

Regular Meeting

The regular meeting was called to order by President Shepherd at 6:30 PM.  All Voting Members were now present.


President Shepherd presented the proposed Agenda for the meeting and asked if there were any additions or corrections.  A motion was made by Director Stecher and seconded by Director Cross to approve the Agenda as presented.  Motion passed unanimously.


President Shepherd asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the December Board Meeting.  A motion was made by Director Wilson and seconded by Director Wilcher to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passed unanimously.

Election of Directors

Directors from Voting Groups 3, 4 and 5 were up for election as their two year terms had expired.  Each incumbent Director was running for re-election un-apposed.  Since there were no new candidates, Director Stecher made a motion that the incumbent Directors be elected by acclamation of the Voting Members.  Motion was seconded by Director Larson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Voting Member Information

President Shepherd presented information to the Voting Members present of several different items.

Debt Reduction; President Shepherd explained to the Voting Members the status of the WROA debt to Winghaven Residential LLC.  The WROA Board had decided to make a double payment in 2011 in order to receive a 4.88% on the debt.  By taking this action the complete debt will be repaid by April 2012.

Signs:  Real Estate signs advertising property outside of Winghaven are much too plentiful.  The WROA is taking action to get these signs removed.  However, the City ofO’Fallon is against removal of the signs.  The WROA will meet with the City to try and get to work out an agreement.  The Master Association if funding any attorney fees that may arise pertaining to this issue.

New Development:  McBride is going to build homes in the area called Village J. This new development will be calledBoardwalkGardens.  The area across from the Retirement Community will also be developed by McBride.  This area will have single family homes with two car garages. The area across from Amegetti’s Restaurant has been sold and will be developed.  Thus far it is not known what is to be placed in this area.

N2 Publishing: President Shepherd distributed samples of N2 Publications to the Voting Members and explained to them that N2 Publishing wants the WROA to sign a contract for three years to promote a Winghaven Magazine similar to the samples distributed.  The Board is going to discuss this issue at tonight’s meeting.

Political Signs:  President Shepherd reinforced the “No Sign” rule to the Voting Members as this year is an election year and problems with political signs will be forthcoming.

Treasure’s Report

Director Larson distributed the preliminary WROA balance sheet to the Voting Members.  The WROA had a positive balance of $ 82,692 in 2011.  This allowed the WROA to make the double payment on the loan as stated earlier.  This balance is due to the fact that collection of prior year’s assessments and legal fees increased in 2011.  The 2012                WROA Budget had been sent to all Winghaven Residents.

Architectural Committee

Director Wilcher stated that he receive zero requests in the past month.  Over the past twelve months, he has received 31 requests and all were approved except one.

Grounds Committee

President Shepherd stated that the Knolls Creek project has been completed and that the WROA is not satisfied with the result as it pertains to landscaping.  The WROA has voiced in opinion to the City and the City is meeting with the Landscape Contractor to discuss.

TheBoardwalkCenterBridgehas had some problems and Runyon has repaired.

Master Association

President Shepherd stated that the Annual Meeting between the Master Association and the WROA took place on December 22, 2011.  The Budget for 2012 was approved and the WROA payment to the Master Association will remain the same.  The Master Association has budgeted $ 15,000 to be used for theWinghavenParkand Gardens

The entrance obelisks will be cleaned and repaired this spring.

Events and Winghaven Park and Gardens

.Director Cross reported on the results of the Survey that she sent to all of the Voting Members.  She received thirteen responses from the twenty seven surveys sent out.  The Survey will be placed on the Web Site.


Nothing to report.

Old Business

N2 Publishing

Director Cross stated that she thought that it would be a wonderful thing to have a Winghaven Magazine sent to all of the Winghaven residents.  This would be a great way to get information to everyone.  Director Stecher stated that the contract that N2 wants the WROA to sign is completely one-sided and is the exact same contract that the WROA rejected two years ago when N2 approached the WROA with this same idea.  An extensive discussion took place and it was decided to table this issue until a future meeting.


Barbara Murray of CMA stated that if a Chautauqua account was opened with WROA on the account this would assure that the Director who would be responsible for this account would be insured under the current agreement with CMA.  The Board agreed.  CMA will finalize.


A motion was made by Director Stecher and seconded by Director Rosenberg to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM


Respectfully submitted

Gene Stecher

Board Secretary

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