November 2011

WingHaven Residential Owners Association Board of Directors Meeting, Nov. 2011


The WingHaven Residential Owners Association (WROA) Board of Directors meeting was held on Monday, November 21, 2011 at theMidwestBankBuilding.  In attendance were President Tom Shepherd, Directors Gene Stecher, Mike Wilcher, Ray Larson, Yvonne Wilson, Carol Cross along with Barbara Murray and Ingrid Schaeffer of CMA.  Director Marcus Rosenberg was absent.


Executive Session

President Shepherd called the Executive Session portion of the meeting to order at

6:00 PM.  All current violations were reviewed and appropriate action taken on each item.  The Executive Session portion of the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM.


President Shepherd called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:15 PM.



President Shepherd presented the proposed Agenda for the meeting and asked if there were any additions or corrections.  A motion was made by Director Wilson and seconded by Director Wilcher to approve the Agenda as presented.  Motion passed unanimously.



A motion was made by Director Cross and seconded by Director Wilson to approve the minutes of the October meeting as written.  Motion passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

Director Larson reported that an increase in past due collections has put us ahead of this year’s projected budget. This is due to the fact that a Notice of Intent to file a  Lien letter has been sent to residents who have not paid their annual assessment earlier than in the past years. This letter is sent out by CMA.


Architectural Committee

Director Wilcher reported that three Requests were approved in the past month.  One of the requests was approved with comments pertaining to building in an easement.


Grounds Committee

President Shepherd reported that he had met with City ofO’Fallonofficials pertaining to placement of signs.  He stated that signs are a very emotional issue with O’Fallon.  O’Fallon is against all temporary signs and will fine the owner who erects the signs.  The City is also against electronic signs but does not have an ordinance which prohibits them.  Electronic signs will not be allowed to be placed in a street right-of-way.  These signs must be approved by the City, MoDOT,  Master Association,  City Police Dept. and possibly the City Council.  The placement of an electronic sign can be a problem for the WROA  since we do not own land that meets the City requirements.  The WROA will check and see if we can get permission from the Commercial Property Association to place a sign on their property.  Due to many problems associated with signs, this issue

was placed of “hold”  until next year.

WingHaven Residential Owners Association Board Meeting, Nov. 2011 Cont.

Master Association

President Shepherd stated that the meeting between the Master Association and the WROA will take place on December 21, 2011.  There are many items to be discussed at this meeting and President Shepherd will give a full report at the January Board Meeting.


Events Committee

Director Cross reported that the Halloween Festival was not as well attended as was hoped.  This was due to inclement weather, and other conflicting events such as the Cardinal Parade and Rams game.  Director Cross presented the Board with a written report of the Event and stated that pictures of the Event are available on our web site. Director Cross also stated that our new and improved web site now contains a shop and swap section where residents can offer items for sale, similar to Craig’s List.



Ingrid Schaeffer reported that Declaration of Candidacy for Directors forms will be sent out in December.


Old Business

WingHaven Park and Gardens, Phase III

President Shepherd stated that the two new pavilions which have been approved by the Board will not be erected t his year.  It is too late in the year to properly place the concrete foundation.  A bicycle rack that was part of the Phase III expansion will be purchased and place by the library.  Director Stecher suggested that a restroom and electricity be added to the Phase III expansion.  A straw vote of the Directors indicated a favorable response.  A motion will be placed at the next meeting.

The existing bocce ball courts are not being used. A discussion pertaining to future use of these courts took place.  This will be discussed at next month’s meeting.


Basketball Goals vs. City Ordinance

President Shepherd stated that the City ofO’Fallonwill not enforce its ordinance pertaining to basketball goals.  The WROA Guidelines and Handbook will be changed to clarify the WROA policy in order to avoid any conflict with the City Ordinance.


New Business

Alley Speeding

Director Wilcher stated that he received a complaint from a resident pertaining to speeding in the WingHaven Alleys.  A discussion ensued pertaining to this issue and various suggestions were brought forward none of which were feasible.  The WROA Guidelines will be amended to include a section pertaining to Alley Speeding.  Letters will be sent to residents reminding them of alley speeding.


A motion was made by Director Stecher and seconded by Director Cross to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM.


Respectfully Submitted, Gene Stecher, Board Secretary

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